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Building HOP and 4D Advocacy with our HOP Into Action® LEGO® Role Play Exercise

This role play exercise is designed to build HOP and 4D® Advocacy for the different stakeholders in the organization and recognize that people learn in different ways. For many of us, taking on board something that is a different concept from what we currently know requires convincing. The best way to convince someone is through learning.

People learn in different ways; our HOP Into Action® LEGO® role play exercise includes learning for people who like being hands-on with role-playing, those who a visual or spatial, those who learn from listening or being vocal, those who enjoy participating in group activities and finally those that enjoy logic and structure.

The HOP Into Action® LEGO® role play exercise is a multi-layered activity that allows you to determine which layers you want to incorporate for different stakeholders. For example:

Senior Leaders

When building HOP Advocacy, the exercise will demonstrate all five HOP Principles and give leaders, insights about the value of our Listen, Learn, then Lead® program for the 4Ds® compared to the traditional approach of Find-And-Fix.

Frontline Leaders

When building HOP and 4D® Advocacy, the exercise will demonstrate all five HOP Principles, how workers adapt and “make do” within the work design and the conditions in normal work, and how the 4D®s provide insights and weak signals from normal work.

Contractor Principals

When building HOP and 4D® Advocacy, the exercise will demonstrate all five HOP Principles, how workers adapt and “make do” within the work design and the conditions in normal work, the role of human error in HOP, and how the 4D®s can create operational improvements by removing/reducing waste and improving contractor engagement.

Safety Practitioners

When building HOP and 4D® Advocacy, the exercise will demonstrate all five HOP Principles, how workers adapt and “make do” within the work design and the conditions in normal work, the role of human error in HOP, and how the 4D®s provide insights and weak signals from normal work, and how the 4D®s can improve worker engagement and provide insights to improve work design and create BetterWork for psychosocial risks.

Multi-Layered Exercise To Suit All Stakeholder Types

The layers of the activity will demonstrate:
  1. The 5 Principles of HOP
  2. How workers adapt and “make do” within the work design and the conditions in normal work
  3. How changing conditions in normal work influence worker behaviors
  4. The Performance Modes of human error (Skill-Rules-Knowledge)
  5. How systems with “error likely situations” allow human error to become present
  6. The six common “error traps” in systems
  7. How the 4D®’s work compared to traditional behavioral tools such as safety observations, audits and After Action Reviews (AAR)
  8. How the 4D®’s provide insights and weak signals of psychosocial risks (ISO 45003)

The exercise is ideal for groups of 6 to 10 people per single LEGO® Model. The LEGO® Model should be relatable to the organization or one with a common understanding or from our current library (LEGO® City 60284 – Dump Truck, LEGO® City 60401 – Road Roller). The actual assembly exercise takes about 10 to 15 minutes, the total exercise time can vary from 30 minutes to an hour (depending on the number of layers).

How Do I Make This Happen

The process is simple:
  1. Tell us what LEGO® Model you want to use (one that is currently available to source)
  2. Provide us with your current document used by workers for safe work instructions or equilvalent
  3. Pay the fee for the work
  4. We will source a version of the LEGO® Model to complete the design
  5. You purchase the number of LEGO® Models you need to deliver the role play exercises

We will provide;
  1. Powerpoint presentations with the various layers for the chosen LEGO® Model for you to brand and the setup instructions for the LEGO® Model pre-build
  2. SWI (Safe Work Instruction - your design) for the chosen LEGO® Model, one version as a PDF for printing and an online version (with a QR-Code in the printed version)
  3. Safety Observation instructions
  4. AAR (After Action Review) instructions and PDF form for printing
  5. 4D®s instructions and PDF form for printing
  6. Virtual train the trainer session (90 minutes) with your HOP Facilitation Team
  7. Virtual reflection session (30 minutes) with your HOP Facilitation Team after your first workshop deliver

Timeframe: Within 10 working days from receipt of the LEGO® Model to complete the design


 United States
 Canada EuropeAustraliaNew Zealand
 Current LEGO® Model library $1950 $2595 €1800 $2595 $2995
 Design and build from your choice of LEGO® Model $2495 $2995 €2295
 $2995 $3495

Cost excludes your purchase of the number of required LEGO® Models or local taxes if applicable.

Inquiry or orders

North America - Email:

Australia - Email:

NZ, Europe and Rest of world - Email:

View the terms and conditions of the licence for LEGO Role Play by clicking the image on the right.

Current version 1.1 - January 2025

LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this service or site.

Learning Teams Inc® has developed this role-play exercise from the original ‘LEGO HOP training activity’ of Josh Bryant.